FOCUS Missions
needs your help!


Oftentimes, it happens in just a moment — an “unexpected moment” when a person can clearly see the unique mission Christ has in store for them, the mission to evangelize and share His message with the world.

For many young Catholics, FOCUS mission trips are the spark that helps them have that moment — when they realize their deepest happiness will be found in serving Christ and His people.

In fact, before going on a mission trip, roughly 35% of students view Christ as the center of their lives. After, that number jumps to 85%!

And more than half the students who go on mission become more involved in FOCUS afterward: starting Bible studies, becoming mentors and even choosing to become FOCUS missionaries.

That “unexpected moment” is often a transformation that leads to a lifelong mission to serve God and others.

While on his mission trip in Mexico City, Nicholas Ruede worked with street kids, the elderly and children in battered women’s homes whose suffering touched his heart.

“A big thing I learned on the trip was to see every person as Christ — to see them as loved by Christ regardless of their circumstance, and to share Christ’s love with them. In my life now, my goal now is to help people in any way I can to live a good life.”

It’s FOCUS’ goal to open young hearts to that epiphany. However, FOCUS is growing so quickly that FOCUS Missions can only accommodate 20% of our students each year.

How many students might miss that life-changing moment when they can embrace Jesus’ love for the poor, feel His presence inside themselves and know their mission to share His love with the world?

Will you help us expand our mission trip offerings so that more young Catholics can share that “unexpected moment,” embracing Christ’s lifelong mission to serve?

Will you help support FOCUS Missions today?

– The FOCUS Team


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